domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2009


From antiquity to modern times, Italy has played a central role in world culture. Italians have contributed some of the world's most admired sculptures, architectural masterpieces, paintings, literature, and music (specially opera). Italians consider themselves the descendants of the ancient Romans and are very proud of their cultural heritage. Regional differences do persist mainly because of natural geographical boundaries and the disparate cultural heritage handed down from the Greeks, Etruscans, Arabs, Normans, and Lombards. Regional pluralism is evident in the local dialects, holidays, festivals, songs, and in the regional cuisine.The Culture of Italy revealed in the ancient relics and historical remnants, reflects the spirit of enlightenment and elegance existing among the people at that the literature, architecture and music many globally recognized works were made by Italians such as Michelangelo's paintings, like Dante and Petrarch followed afterwards by Shakespeare for literature, among many others.Part of the allure of Italy and Italian culture is the sense of timelessness. Rome is the Eternal City where the ancient rubs shoulders with the present, Venice serenely passes the centuries amid its slowly sinking palazzi. The art and science of the Renaissance is still alive and visible in Florence while Vatican City's Sistine Chapel is as vibrant as the day Michelangelo's paint dried

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